The Health Issue Many Women Don’t Want To Discuss
Over half of older women have a health issue that they feel they don’t need to discuss with their healthcare provider because of the belief that it is a normal part of the aging process. This health problem is urinary incontinence and it should be discussed. If your daily routine is affected by continuous bathroom trips or loss of control, your healthcare provider is there to help with treatments and lifestyle changes that will improve or eliminate this health issue. Because this topic is often embarrassing to discuss and has been virtually ignored as a widespread need, we are here to help.
Different Types
There are different types of urinary incontinence that are not due to physical or mental impairment. The first type is Stress Incontinence. This type of incontinence is the loss of small amounts of urine when you exert pressure on your abdomen and bladder while coughing, sneezing, laughing, or lifting heavy objects. This happens because the muscle that keeps the bladder closed has weakened over time. In women, this is usually due to pregnancy, childbirth, and loss of collagen.
Another type is Urgency Incontinence, or what is also referred by some as ‘overactive bladder’. This type is the loss of larger amounts of urine with little or no warning. This type of incontinence causes a rush to the bathroom because of the urge sensation being more than normal. Often though, this type is caused by infections, or other irritants.
Changes To Be Made
When there is a medical issue such as infection, tests can be performed to determine what medication is needed to end that infection.
But if there is no underlying infection, there may be changes that should be made to help with the incontinence. First, medications should be evaluated that could be causing complications such as overactive bladder. Also, hygiene products and habits will be discussed for optimal vaginal and bladder health. And finally, caffeine is a stimulant that should be rarely consumed if there is urinary incontinence.
The Latest Technology Is Here
But what if the problem is more than simple lifestyle changes? Stress Incontinence is due to loss of collagen and increasing laxity. Lifestyle changes cannot help the sudden loss due to exerted pressure on the bladder or abdomen. There is a new technology though that is helping with laxity. We now have Viveve, a non-surgical, 45 minute treatment that rebuilds collagen where it’s needed to help with incontinence. The procedure has no downtime and changes are seen within 30 days, with maximum results in 90 days.
Urinary incontinence should not only be discussed, but also helped. We provide full evaluations, medical care when needed, and now this new solution for incontinence.